Namespace Consul
[Deprecated] ACL can be used to query the ACL endpoints
[Deprecated] ACLEntry is used to represent an ACL entry (Legacy Token)
Allows querying of ACL Replication in Consul
Represents an Entry in Consul for ACL Replication
[Deprecated] The type of ACL token, which sets the permissions ceiling
Agent can be used to query the Agent endpoints
AgentCheck represents a check known to the agent
AgentCheckRegistration is used to register a new check
AgentHostInfo represents the host information for the agent
AgentMember represents a cluster member known to the agent
AgentService represents a service known to the agent
AgentServiceCheck is used to create an associated check for a service
AgentServiceConnect specifies the configuration for Connect
AgentServiceProxy specifies the configuration for a Connect service proxy instance. This is only valid if Kind defines a proxy or gateway.
AgentServiceProxyUpstream specifies the upstream service for which the proxy should create a listener.
AgentServiceRegistration is used to register a new service
AgentVersion represents the version information for the Consul agent
Configures the API gateway configuration entry that you can deploy to networks in virtual machine (VM) environments.
AuthMethod can be used to query the ACL Auth Method endpoints
AuthMethodEntry is used to represent an ACL Auth Method entry
CPUInfo represents the CPU statistics for the agent
Catalog can be used to query the Catalog endpoints
Represents a persistant connection to a Consul agent. Instances of this class should be created rarely and reused often.
Represents the configuration options for a Consul client.
Represents errors that occur during initalization of the Consul client's configuration.
Represents errors that occur while sending data to or fetching data from the Consul agent.
Configuration options for the control-plane-request-limit configuration entry
Counter represents a Counter metric
Performs a DELETE to API endpoints in Consul
Performs a DELETE to API endpoints in Consul
Performs a DELETE to API endpoints in Consul, returning a generic type
DiskInfo represents the disk statistics for the agent
The Exported Service configuration entry enables Consul to export service instances to other clusters from a single file and connect services across clusters.
Guage represents a Guage metric
Performs a GET to API endpoints in Consul
Performs a GET to API endpoints in Consul, returning a generic type
Health can be used to query the Health endpoints
HealthCheck is used to represent a single check
The status of a health check
HostInfo represents the host information for the agent
The HttpRouteEntry configures HTTP route resources.
IngressGatewayEntry provides configuration for the Ingress Gateway Proxy
The InlineCertificateEntry configures the gateway inline certificate configuration entry
Indicates that the key pair data is invalid
The JWTProviderEntry configures Consul to use a JSON Web Token (JWT) and JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) in order to add JWT validation to proxies in the service mesh.
KV is used to manipulate the key/value pair API
KVPair is used to represent a single K/V entry
KVTxnOp defines a single operation inside a transaction.
KVTxnResponse is used to return the results of a transaction.
KeyringResponse is returned when listing the gossip encryption keys
LocalServiceHealth represents the health of a service and its associated checks as returned by the Agent API
Lock is used to implement client-side leader election. It is follows the algorithm as described here:
LockOptions is used to parameterize the Lock behavior.
Log streamer
MemoryInfo represents the memory statistics for the agent
The mesh configuration entry allows you to define a global default configuration that applies to all service mesh proxies.
Metrics represents the metrics returned by the Agent API
Point represents a Point metric
Policy is used to interact with ACL Policies in Consul through the API
PolicyEntry represents an ACL Policy in Consul
PolicyLink is the base for representing an ACL Policy in Consul
Performs a POST to API endpoints in Consul
Performs a POST to API endpoints in Consul, sending and returning generic types
Performs a POST to API endpoints in Consul, sending a generic type
Performs a POST to API endpoints in Consul, returning a generic type
PrepatedQueryDefinition defines a complete prepared query.
PreparedQueryExecuteResponse has the results of executing a query.
Proxy defaults configuration entries set global passthrough Envoy settings for proxies in the service mesh, including sidecars and gateways.
Performs a PUT to API endpoints in Consul
Performs a PUT to API endpoints in Consul, sending and returning generic types
Performs a PUT to API endpoints in Consul, sending a generic type
Performs a PUT to API endpoints in Consul, returning a generic type
QueryDNSOptions controls settings when query results are served over DNS.
QueryDatacenterOptions sets options about how we fail over if there are no healthy nodes in the local datacenter.
QueryOptions are used to parameterize a query
The result of a Consul API query
The result of a Consul API query
QueryTemplate carries the arguments for creating a templated query.
RaftConfigration is returned when querying for the current Raft configuration.
RaftServer has information about a server in the Raft configuration.
Raw can be used to do raw queries against custom endpoints
Role is used to interact with ACL Roles in Consul through the API
RoleEntry represents an ACL Role in Consul
RoleLink is the base for representing an ACL Role in Consul
Sameness groups associate identical admin partitions to facilitate traffic between identical services.
Sample represents a Sample metric
Semaphore is used to implement a distributed semaphore using the Consul KV primitives.
SemaphoreOptions is used to parameterize the Semaphore
The service defaults configuration entry contains common configuration settings for service mesh services, such as upstreams and gateways.
ServiceEntry is used for the health service endpoint
ServiceIdentity represents a service identity in Consul
This handles the response for any operation carried out on the ServiceIntentionsEntry Model
Configures control access between services in the service mesh.
ServiceKind specifies the type of service.
ServiceQuery is used to query for a set of healthy nodes offering a specific service.
Configures and apply service resolvers to create named subsets of service instances and define their behavior when satisfying upstream requests.
Service routers use L7 network information to redirect a traffic request for a service to one or more specific service instances.
Configures and apply service splitters to redirect a percentage of incoming traffic requests for a service to one or more specific service instances.
Session can be used to query the Session endpoints
The status of a TTL check
TLS Status Convertor (to and from JSON)
The TcpRouteEntry configures TCP route resources.
Configures terminating gateways to proxy traffic from services in the Consul service mesh to services registered with Consul that do not have a service mesh sidecar proxy
Token is used to interact with ACL Tokens in Consul through the API
TokenEntry is used to represent an ACL Token in Consul
UserEvent represents an event that was fired by the user
WriteOptions are used to parameterize a write
The result of a Consul API write
The result of a Consul API write
The interface for the Legacy ACL System API Endpoints
The interface for the ACL Replication API Endpoints
The interface for the Agent API Endpoints
The interface for the ACL Auth Method API Endpoints
The interface for the Catalog API Endpoints
The interface for the Consul Client
The interface for the Coordinate API Endpoints
The interface for the Distributed Lock API Endpoints
The interface for the Distributed Semaphore API Endpoints
The interface for the Event API Endpoints
The interface for the Health API Endpoints
The interface for the Key Value Store API Endpoints
The interface for the Namespaces API Endpoints
The interface for the Operator API Endpoints
The interface for the ACL Policy API Endpoints
The interface for the Prepared Query API Endpoints
The interface for the Raw API Endpoints
The interface for the ACL Role API Endpoints
The interface for the Session API Endpoints
The interface for the Snapshot API Endpoints
The interface for the Status API Endpoints
The interface for the ACL Token API Endpoints
The consistency mode of a request.
Log Level Enum