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.NET client library for the Consul HTTP API

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.NET Framework: >= 4.6.1
.NET Core: >= 2.0.0
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Easy to Use

Consul.NET was designed by humans, for humans. It's meant to be intuitive, simple and easy to use.


Consul.NET is open-source and free to use. It's developed by the community and for the community.

Production Ready

Consul.NET is used in production by many companies and is battle-tested.

Supported APIs

Consul API: 1.7.14

This version indicates the version of Consul API that is fully supported. Recent versions may still work, but with some missing features.

โœ… supported ยท ๐Ÿšง in progress ยท โŒ not supported

Agent - BaseList MembersGET /v1/agent/membersโœ…
Read ConfigurationGET /v1/agent/selfโœ…
Reload AgentPUT /v1/agent/reloadโœ…
Enable Maintenance ModePUT /v1/agent/maintenanceโœ…
Join AgentGET /v1/agent/join/:idโœ…
Graceful Leave + ShutdownPUT /v1/agent/leaveโœ…
Force Leave + ShutdownPUT /v1/agent/force-leaveโœ…
Read Agent HostGET /v1/agent/hostโœ…
Read Agent HostGET /v1/agent/versionโœ…
Agent Health by Service IdGET /v1//agent/health/service/id/:service_idโœ…
Agent Health by Service NameGET /v1/agent/health/service/name/:nameโœ…
Force LeavePUT /v1/agent/force-leave/:nodeโœ…
Enable/Disable Service MaintenancePUT /v1/agent/service/maintenance/:serviceIdโœ…
Enable/Disable Node MaintenancePUT /v1/agent/maintenanceโœ…
Read Agent LogsGET /v1/agent/monitorโœ…
UpdateTokenOncePUT /v1/agent/token/:targetโœ…
Agent - ChecksList ChecksGET /v1/agent/checksโœ…
Register CheckPUT /v1/agent/check/registerโœ…
Deregister CheckPUT /v1/agent/check/deregister/:idโœ…
TLL Check PassGET /v1/agent/check/pass/:idโœ…
TLL Check WarnGET /v1/agent/check/warn/:idโœ…
TLL Check FailGET /v1/agent/check/fail/:idโœ…
TLL Check UpdateGET /v1/agent/check/update/:idโœ…
Agent - ServicesList ServicesGET /v1/agent/servicesโœ…
Register ServicePUT /v1/agent/service/registerโœ…
Deregister ServicePUT /v1/agent/service/deregister/:idโœ…
Enable Maintenance ModePUT /v1/agent/service/maintenance/:idโœ…
Get a locally registered serviceGET, /v1/agent/service/:serviceIdโœ…
CatalogList DatacentersGET /v1/catalog/datacentersโœ…
List Nodes in a given DCGET /v1/catalog/nodesโœ…
List Services in a given DCGET /v1/catalog/servicesโœ…
List Nodes for ServiceGET /v1/catalog/service/:idโœ…
List Services for NodeGET /v1/catalog/node/:idโœ…
Register Catalog ItemPUT /v1/catalog/registerโœ…
Deregister Catalog ItemPUT /v1/catalog/deregisterโœ…
Node Service ListGET, /v1/catalog/node-services/:nodeโœ…
CoordinatesRead WAN CoordinatesGET /v1/coordinates/datacentersโœ…
Read LAN CoordinatesGET /v1/coordinates/nodesโœ…
Read LAN Coordinates for a nodeGET /v1/coordinate/node/:nodeโœ…
EventsFire EventPUT /v1/event/fire/:nameโœ…
List EventsGET /v1/event/listโœ…
HealthList Checks for NodeGET /v1/health/node/:idโœ…
List Checks for ServiceGET /v1/health/checks/:idโœ…
List Nodes for ServiceGET /v1/health/service/:idโœ…
List Checks in StateGET /v1/health/state/:stateโœ…
List Nodes for connect-capable serviceGET /v1/health/connect/:serviceโœ…
KV StoreRead KeyGET /v1/kv/:keyโœ…
Create/Update KeyPUT /v1/kv/:keyโœ…
Delete KeyDELETE /v2/kv/:keyโœ…
NamespaceList NamespacesGET /v1/namespacesโœ…
Read NamespaceGET /v1/namespace/:nameโœ…
Create NamespacePUT /v1/namespaceโœ…
Update NamespacePUT /v1/namespace/:nameโœ…
Delete NamespaceDELETE /v1/namespace/:nameโœ…
SessionList SessionGET /v1/session/listโœ…
Create SessionPOST /v1/session/createโœ…
Destroy SessionPUT /v1/session/destroy/:idโœ…
Renew SessionPUT /v1/session/renew/:idโœ…
Info SessionGET /v1/session/node/:nodeโœ…
Destroy SessionPUT /v1/session/destroy/:idโœ…
List Sessions for NodeGET /v1/session/node/:nodeโœ…
StatusStatus of LeaderGET /v1/status/leaderโœ…
Status of PeersGET /v1/status/peersโœ…
TransactionTransactionPUT /v1/txnโœ…
ConfigRetrieve a specific configuration by kind and nameGET /v1/config/{kind}/{name}โœ…
List all configuration entries of a specific kindGET /v1/config/{kind}โœ…
Set a new configuration entryPUT /v1/configโœ…
Delete a specific configuration entry by kind and nameDELETE /v1/config/{kind}/{name}โœ